If you need to terminate an employee for poor performance, you'll need to create a simple termination letter that protects you as an employer.Since disgruntled former employees can and often do use anything you put in writing to take legal action, keep … 1. Incapacity Due to Poor Performance or Ill-Health Share Tweet Incapacity in labour law is the non-blameworthy breach of a workplace/performance standard, i.e. perform at their best, employees need to feel mentally healthy, safe and valued at work but mental illness is now the leading cause of absence and long term incapacity in Australia. In cases involving poor work performance, the extent of attempts made by the employer to assist the employee is critical to evaluating whether dismissal is the appropriate solution. You would need to … - Incapacity (ill health, injury, poor performance) Schedule 8 of the Labour Relations Act lays down the following Code of Good Practice when dealing with poor performance;- “9. One of the most important obligations of an employee is to place the full extent of his/her capabilities at the disposal of the employer, and to perform his/her duties Guidelines in cases of dismissal for poor work performance. INCAPACITY DUE TO AN EMPLOYEE’S POOR WORK PERFORMANCE WHAT IS POOR WORK PERFORMANCE? Conduct a process of handling employee poor work performance o Understand the relevant legislative principles and requirements in dealing with employee incapacity due to poor work performance; Follow a set of guidelines on actions to be taken should an employee fail to meet performance goals or objectives due to incompetence (poor work performance) ... General guidelines for dealing with employees who are unable to perform their work due to illness or injury. fairness for incapacity in relation to both poor work performance and ill-health will be covered. Performance issues can occur for many reasons and can sometimes develop due to disability-related limitations, but this may not be known prior to addressing performance issues. the employee is unable to comply / the lack of performance is not due to his/her fault. Evidence of the employee’s poor performance (such as examples of inadequate work, or complaints by customers or colleagues) should be retained and shared with the employee at each stage of the process. Dismissal will be with notice as poor performance is not gross misconduct. Workman-Davies said that not only can an employee who is dismissed for incapacity – due to the employee’s poor work performance – challenge the … In the third place, the vexed issue of dismissal of executive and managerial employees for incapacity will be examined in detail. If the illness is permanent or likely to become permanent, then it is a problem of incapacity due to ill health rather than a problem of poor performance. This is not the whole picture though. – Any person determining whether a dismissal for poor work performance is unfair should consider – A central question that arises in this context is when will it … Communication and planning.