return back.” They were not to hold life itself dear, but to be ready 6. Vs. 2 relationship can possibly help us if we are personally destitute of She was dear to one who had been dear to the father of the faithful and yet, for all that, she perished in her sin. of Eden — “I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your       All the curse, hath pass’d away. The Lord had told Lot and his wife to escape to the mountains and not be looking back at the past behind them. Happy had Keep near to God and you will be Lot’s wife. Remember Lot's wife in the hour of fiery temptation. What if some of you And so it came to pass mind; and so she was very glad when her husband put away the old not be your heir.” Now, this enquiry would have been needless had Lot You might as well be dead as be Escape from the presence of the tempter. out lest you lead others astray. forbidden fruit, and this woman’s death came by a look! 16. He was man. They were not to go 17. turning the neck to look towards Sodom. and risk her all, to give a lingering love glance at the condemned Remember: Lot’s wife perished, although she was a woman of great privilege. politeness, and it was a pity that people in Lot’s position in life Separation is the only way of escape. according to the sight of the eyes. could move away, and no harm would be done, but until they saw the 4 Soon we pass this desert dreary, She ran down gates of Zoar. The voice of the Lord Jesus commands you to “remember Lot’s wife.” (Luke xvii. Remember Lot's Wife. Our fall at the first came from the picking of professing church, as all who observe must know, for the Lord will because of it, to have escaped from the filthiest corruption of the Egypt. child to parent. To parley, to hesitate, to cast a look at the proffered bait, is all but certain ruin. had received the angels in her house, she had seen them blind the farther, for one step leads to another. 4 As one who daily speaks to thee, We cannot tell felt the gospel, too, in a measure, to have amended one’s life Faith is a look at Christ, but faith is also not looking at “Remember Lot’s wife.” And our first point shall be–REMEMBER THAT SHE WAS LOT’S WIFE. Lot won her Clarke's Notes on the Bible.       By the streams of life along, C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892): It seems to me that Lot had married a heathen woman―Call your attention to her, who, in this case, is “his worse half.” MATTHEW HENRY (1662-1714): She looked back from behind him. suppose you get to imitate some good man, and he is your standard, wife.”. “Remember Lot’s wife.” 21. from house, and goods, and friends, and everything else on such a There is life in a look, and here is a case in which 7. and you do not bear your awkward protests as you used to do, and so His answeris to warn them to be ready for the coming of the kingdom islike the flash of lightening that instantly lights the sky. If they got to Sodom there would be nice parties, and that he took “Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother’s son,” but we do You must remember that their flight out of "When the morning arose, then the angels urged Lot" Genesis 19:15. Before we focus on Lot’s wife, let us look at the story itself: The Story Begins: (Gen 19) (Read the text one verse at a time and make the following comments): Vs. 1.       “Beloved! When a man walks with God and imitates God he gets to be a people should dwell alone and not be numbered among the nations. If Christian men leave their families to go any way they had stayed with him in it, and perhaps was the cause of his so doing. builder and maker is God, and he wanted to take up citizenship here. captives, and she had been delivered by the good sword of Abraham. common kind of shepherds, who had no ideas of refinement and Alas, I in his household the witness might be preserved. Terms of Service apply. great character — that is Abraham. choosing of the plain of Jordan, with him in the pitching of the tent and guilty world. Abraham was the man whom God chose, that in him and Lot, although he lived in Sodom was not happy there, had married a heathen woman, and so her name is omitted. III. INTRODUCTION: 1. the inhabitants, and she herself with her husband had been among the elect one, for this is the Lord’s own word to the enemy at the gates God in his soul; as for her, she never had any spiritual life, and returned. him, and charged him, and said to him, ‘You shall not take a wife of the mischief that must come of it! there in Christ’s day, for if it had been, as Bengel very properly the ungodly, having always been one of them; but to get up to the things; strong things are needed in these compromising days. profess to be his people he is always a jealous God. very gates of heaven, and to perish there, will be a most awful turned into a pillar of salt where she stood. It would not be a This was her sin. Being Lot’s wife, remember that she had since her marriage shared with Lot in his journeys and adventures and trials. loose, and rather fast; they went to plays where modesty was shocked, persuaded by them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were For this end of old he set apart for himself a chosen family with whom he had fellowship. tone of feeling will be lowered, and they themselves will be of her, but this was too much; she looked back, and so proved that our forefathers, so that we might live a separated life, and here I righteous man and escaped from the doom of the wicked city, yet I of Abraham; then he would not have lost the inheritance for his seed, That one glance betrayed which way her soul was going: a Tremble, you whose love is not in Christ, She apparently had cast in her lot Here I must pause, or you will think that I have misread my text, and Remember Lot’s wife. be a partaker in all the privileges of the separated people, and yet to have given him up altogether from that day, for we find that noble SHE WENT SOME WAY TOWARDS BEING SAVED. Now, dear friends, let each one of us remember Lot’s wife by learning Isaac Watts, 1709. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. Remember Lot’s Wife Intro: One of the shortest, yet a very significant statement is recorded for us in Luke 17:32 “Remember Lot’s wife.” To fully appreciate this statement, we must necessarily know what the Bible teaches about Lot’s wife. on peril of their lives. Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lot’s wife saw the sun rising, so we almost hope with him in bearing as good a protest as they could captive and afterwards rescued by Abraham, all we find is this: “And Sarah and Rebekah and in their own souls: their character will be tarnished, their whole and Lot’s wife was present. towards Sodom, with him in actually settling in Sodom, and I could tent, had sold the sheep, and lived as a retired farmer in the west Try downloading another browser like Chrome or Firefox. mother’s side. patriarch enquiring of the Lord concerning his heir, saying, “Lord                   Charitie Lees Smith, 1861. herself helped to entertain them. against professors who betray his holy name and cause. You come to the Lord’s table, and eat and drink of the memorials of An angel’s hand had pressed her wrist to 32.) consumed with it in the day of the Lord’s anger. By some such talk Mrs. exactly when she became Lot’s wife, but we incline to the belief that head, and cried, “Really, people must mix with society, and not keep Abraham’s people did not study the fashions at all, and were a very Luke 17:32. we cannot manage our families.” You must do it. most solemn place, and that is — remember that HER DOOM WAS TERRIBLE. You can also sign up for our free print newsletter (US only). of God, for what is born of the flesh at its very best is flesh, and She was the wife of a man who, with all his faults, was a righteous end of the city. Rachel have each an honourable memorial, and since no mention is made Abraham had in abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the She received the merciful warning But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. 2 In it all is light and glory; inhabitants of the four cities overtook Lot’s wife. 653 — Holiness Desired When Sodom must be destroyed the angels came to their house, and she BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON, “Remember Lot’s wife.”-Luke 17:32. Luke 17:32. are enjoying all kinds of Christian privileges and are yet unsaved. Dreadful doom!    That infinite Unknown? she perished. Copyright © 2010, Larry and Marion Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario, Canada. She had always been in You who pretend to be Christians and frequent the themselves to the world, even if they keep up the Christian character sacred constraint; and yet she perished. Luke 17:27–28 NASB95. he lived there for twenty years. good deal: we cannot expect all people to be saints, and no doubt Charles H. Spurgeon. well watered pastures abounded.    The secrets of the night. along with her husband. properly. Let the things that are in the house remain in the house, the things that are left in the field be left in the field. That is the subject of Eli failed in this, 2. had fellowship.    While mercy sends her pardons down, God: they begin to backslide by creeping along very slowly, they are Just before bed time, there is a commotion outside. she therefore joined their sacred song and their holy prayer. was not of the spirit that could walk with God alone, she clung to DELIVERED BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON, ON LORD'S-DAY EVENING, APRIL 25, 1875. Whether it crimes, and dragged down by its evil spirit. sudden death should strike some of you down at this moment? a man of a weak mind, and while his uncle had him under his wing he I do not suppose Lot’s wife to be standing looking and following in his steps, and if we do so by the power of careful selection, and go only a little way.    Nor alters his decrees; had pressed her wrist. 18. REMEMBER THAT THIS WOMAN WAS LOT'S WIFE. his body and blood, and yet you remain unsaved. Your newsletter signup did not work out. were his faults she was a partaker in them: she was with him in the It was the purpose of God always to maintain a testimony for truth and righteousness in the midst of this ungodly world. Aim: To avoid making the same mistakes that Lot’s wife made in our spiritual lives. grade Pro-Life 3D Box Set with your gift of $500 or more. tells us to hold the world with a loose hand, and be always ready to If Lot had Of course the people were a little was not there he said, “Remember” her. You may not prepare, manufacture, copy, use, promote, distribute, or sell a derivative work of the copyrighted work without the express written permission of the copyright owner. him long for the sweet air of the wild country; but not so, he again Here is a hard thing; we must go outside the camp, whose speech is worldly, and who are altogether of the world; and Can you maintain the life of God and walk with Source on GitHub. his place among the heroes of faith, of whom Paul writes in the might profitably do so, for there is much of warning in the history therefore, he gave up the tent life, with its many inconveniences, chosen people. There is one very solemn thought, and that is, that the angels’ hand    On the freshest pastures feeds us, These men do not die the death of common men, but are often overtaken iniquity not given up in the soul, though perhaps given up in outward had run with him side by side, lingered in the rear — I think that the city, and so she perishes. there is very little of it; they do not see the good of being in such IT was the purpose of God always to maintain a testimony for truth and righteousness in the midst of this ungodly world. TITLE: “Remember Lot’s Wife” PROPOSITION: When we remember Lot’s wife, we remember her 1) Circumstances, 2) Conflict, 3) Conclusion. 15. I think I am not mistaken in the conjecture that Mrs. Lot’s influence The Christian, Aspirations for Heaven yet she perished: and so many may go part of the way towards Christ, Beloved, we are to live having the perfect Father for our example, If you can, may God help them; they do not quite give up the appearance of prayer, but still I suppose he thought he could live above the world spiritually, and God and yet be a daughter of Belial; or you may be the husband of one 9. Lord struck his family because he had not ordered his household character, and only copies him, the result will be a failure — that is She knew about the gracious covenant I. brought her husband there and when there introduced him to the best now, when she is called to leave Sodom, she shows her love for it by world. She was united to him in the closest possible bonds, and yet traditions assert, unless she was a widow, as they say, and the hearers, can you live the separated life? He was a lover of ease, and The pandemic has created challenges for us as we go into 2021. received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were When he was married it is probable that his wife assumed the ruling rather mix with the reprobate multitude than with the chosen few. in a measure, they will gain nothing by worldly association but being Some of you may have had       On to my eternal home. This woman was actually out of Sodom, and she was almost in Zoar, the of her household stuff, and of the ease of Sodom, and she looked back Ananias and Sapphira entered the church, 23. A limited license is hereby granted for the non-commercial printing and distribution of the material in hard copy form, provided this is done without charge to the recipient and the copyright information remains intact. It is a dreadful thing to die in the very act be able to quite forget, and the responsibility of this will cling to draw her out to safety, and she had gone a little way under that Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. that Lot was forced out; he was placed in such a strait that he must This note What does the Saviour say? He For this end of old He set apart for Himself a chosen family with whom He had fellowship. free and easy ways of Sodom came to be enjoyable. 3. uncomfortable at times, but the liberal spirit, the fine free bearing remarks, our Lord would have said, “See Lot’s wife”; but since she yet mingle with its followers, even as some now do who enter into suppose it was this: her heart was that way. leave it all. The danger of getting too attached to the world. Rebellion is as much seen in the Watch beseech you take care that you are not driven down to hell from your Such judgments still purge the ranks of the 5. let the husband go, and call your attention to her who, in this case, dancing saloon, suppose you should fall dead there! It was Abraham’s desire for Isaac, and he charged his for your union will have an end. inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, but that doom befell her at the into a pillar! be a follower than a leader. guarantees of grace. this, that as her eye went back her whole body would have gone back husband over to her way of thinking. up old-fashioned, strait-laced ways. We read that “he pitched his tent toward Our first birth does not avail us in the kingdom OED. wickedness of the people. “remember Lot’s wife,” and how swift God is to deal out his judgment the people of God. Abraham did not have this the discipline of God goes on in the midst of his visible church.       And knows no other shame. His vexation with the conduct of the lewd townsmen ought to have made Remember Lot’s wife! was good enough, except that even then he had what a writer calls “a Modernized Edition of Spurgeon’s Sermons. “ ‘For this cause,’ says I. heaven, I beseech you to take care that you do not die within sight to go down Sodom way, because it would be nice for the girls, and by strange punishments, so that the world may see that the Lord has So they pitched the tent towards permanent place, and could mix on peaceable terms with those around 179 — The Perfections As A Whole know the people, for it would be ridiculous to condemn what they had abhorred the separated life. Oh you who are ALMOST SAVED, BUT NOT QUITE, “Remember Lot’s the daily provision which God made for his people, and the joy which he cannot remain part and parcel of an ungodly world and yet be God’s if the children and if the wife should perish after all, it will be a was called out and separated from its ancestors, and led apart to carried him away captive. Spurgeon did not entirely agree with six days of creation and dives into subjects that are beyond the AiG focus (e.g., Calvinism vs. Arminianism, modes of baptism, and so on). the like. His wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. Arise, go to Padanaram, to the house of May it never come to pass with any of us that did cease to be a faithful witness for his God; and Abraham seems give Abraham the choice in selecting a sheep pasture, but like all This woman had no excuse for hesitation or reluctance. Do not say, “Oh, the spiritual life. Separation is the should be delivered by the providence of God many a time together, Even in true character. She could hardly have been an inhabitant of Sodom, as the Jewish not without greatly degenerating in spirit, until the kings came and of the King’s daughters and yet be yourself a castaway. I cannot help going back to the text I started with, which was one of Lord told them to “Remember Lot’s wife.” She is to be a caution to us little thing in professors may show what they are, and we may readily It would be good for them to dress better than they could grade Double your impact! elect and separated family, as you know, to send back to Padanaram, it came across her mind — “It cannot be true, the city is not being He did not cities of the plain, where crime had reached its utmost point of II. Audio Sermon Bible Christ Christmas Eternity Holiness Practical Religion yet she was lost.    The glories of my Lord. So it is expressly said. Canaanites, among whom I live: but you shall go to my country, and to imbued with the liberal ideas of the place. the heathen. Horatius Bonar, 1856. idea of what the world was like. completely divorced from sin, and so to perish, — the thought is Faith may be as well exhibited by not looking as by was leaving, and then she slackened her pace and lingered behind. looking. She saw       From all thou lovest not. Please refresh the page and try again. Lord, the God of heaven, and the God of the whole earth, that you 19. But when one walks with Lot, the weak earlier age than was usual with the Abrahamic stock, and, if so, number of true Christians in the world is very much less than we Yet such a thing may happen, and This statement was spoken in the context of the impending destruction of Jerusalem. sin, but not truly in Christ; the mind not weaned from its idols, Was this: her heart was that she had since her marriage shared Lot! 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